The development of the fetus takes approximately 40 weeks. During this period the fetus which was initially just an embryo formed by a set of cells develops constantly until it becomes a fully formed baby. This process is marked by intense transformations that occur in the fetus itself and in the mother's organism.
Only 10 days after fertilization, the embryo is formed and in development. It is after the 12th week of gestation that it is considered a fetus. Areas that will develop in the brain and spinal cord begin to develop as well as the heart and major blood vessels around the 16th or 17th day, and by the 20th day the heart begins to pump fluid through the blood vessels and first red blood cells and red blood cells appear the next day.
Fetal development - 1 to 12 weeks
In the first trimester of pregnancy, which corresponds to weeks 1 to 12 of gestation, the fetus goes from a few millimeters to 8 centimeters, weighing about 30g. In this period, although it can already be easily seen on an ultrasound examination, its body is still not very well formed, although it is already possible to perceive the shape of the head, trunk and limbs.
Fetal development - 13 to 24 weeks
In the second trimester of pregnancy, between 13 and 24 weeks of gestation, the fetus develops more and begins to measure about 25 cm in length, weighing about 550 grams. At this stage of fetal development, he already has eyelashes and fingerprints that will mark his identity, he is increasingly similar to a newborn baby, but if born within this period has little chance of surviving, although medicine has greatly evolved in this aspect.
Development of the fetus - 24 to 38 weeks
In the third trimester of pregnancy, between 24 and 38 weeks of gestation, the fetus has already grown and developed sufficiently. At this stage it can reach up to 4 kg or more although the birth of babies weighing less than 3 kg is more frequent, which is also due to the stress and the super active life of the mother. Throughout the development of the baby and it was very well adapted to the body of the woman and the third quarter, it is time to be born.
Throughout the period of pregnancy the woman should be accompanied by the obstetrician, who should monitor the development of the baby and watch over his health as his mother. In the consultations the doctor can clarify all doubts of the mother and help to decide on the possibility of delivery, which can be cesarean or normal, the latter being with or without anesthesia.