To improve memory it is crucial to sleep 7 to 9 hours a day, to do memory exercises such as playing with words, and to eat foods like fish because it is rich in omega 3, an important substance to keep the brain healthy and to better words or images, for example.
Other tips for improving memory can be:
- At the end of the day, remember the activities that were done throughout the day;
- Make a shopping list, but try not to use the list when going to the supermarket, trying to remember what you wrote;
- Keep the brain fed by eating every 3 hours to be always active and ready to memorize;
- Drink up to 17 hours caffeinated beverages, such as green tea or coffee, for example, because caffeine keeps the brain on alert and facilitates the capture of the information to be memorized;
- Eat foods like eggs, nuts, milk, wheat germ and tomato, as they have substances in their composition that make it easy to record information and avoid forgetting. Cashew nuts are another easy-to-eat food that also improves memory: How cashew nuts can improve health.
In addition, it is very important to be focused when you want to memorize something, for example, it is more difficult to memorize an address when you are talking and talking on the phone than if you are trying to memorize the address without doing another activity at the same time. Stress and anxiety also make it difficult to memorize because the brain is busy with many thoughts and has difficulty concentrating to memorize.
Test your memory now
Take the following test and evaluate your memory and concentration in a few minutes. The test is fast and consists of only 12 questions:
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
Pay close attention!
You have 60 seconds to memorize the image on the next slide.
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Exercises to improve memory
Exercises to improve memory are critical because if the brain is not stimulated it becomes "lazy", decreasing the ability to memorize.
Some of these exercises can be word hunting, sudoku or a jigsaw puzzle for example. Learn more about memory exercises in: Exercises for memory.
For more examples of memory enhancing foods see this video: