Symptoms of the uterine fibroid (uterine fibroid) are not always present, but when they appear, they manifest themselves through:
- Heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding;
- Vaginal bleeding between menses
- Pain, pressure or weight in the pelvic area during menstruation;
- Need to urinate more often;
- Abdominal distension.
Causes of fibroma
The causes of fibroma are still not fully understood but it is known that there is a genetic factor involved.
Fibroma diagnosis
The diagnosis of fibroma can be made through imaging tests such as pelvic ultrasonography.
Treatment for fibroma
Treatment for fibroma can be done through the use of medications or through surgery to remove it, although this is not always indicated. Most often fibroid treatment is indicated only if there is associated bleeding or if it is making pregnancy difficult.
Fibroma complications
One of the complications of the fibroid is to cause infertility due to obstruction of the uterine tubes or as a consequence of distortion of the uterine cavity, but this condition can still cause a great blood loss and cause a serious anemia.