Treatment for soft cancer, which is a sexually transmitted disease, should be guided by a urologist, in the case of the man, or a gynecologist, in the case of the woman, but is usually done with the use of one of the following antibiotics:
- 1 tablet Azithromycin 1 g in 1 dose;
- 1 injection of Ceftriaxone 250 mg;
- 1 tablet of Erythromycin 3 times daily for 7 days;
- 1 tablet of Ciprofloxacin 2 times daily for 3 days.
Treatment during pregnancy can be done with Erythromycin stearate 500 mg in tablet form for 8 days or with a single injection of cetimasaxone 250 mg.
See what to do if you forget to take the antibiotic on time by clicking here.
During treatment, the soft cancer patient may not have intimate contact and should keep the affected region well cleaned by washing the area with warm soapy water and neutral soap at least once a day or whenever urinating.
If soft canker wounds do not disappear within 7 days of starting treatment, the patient should return to the doctor to adjust the treatment or identify another disease that may be causing the lesions to appear.
In patients with HIV treatment may be more time-consuming and may need to be returned to the doctor every week until the disease is cured.
Signs of improvement of soft cancer
Signs of improvement in soft cancer appear about 3 days after initiation of treatment and include reduction of pain, decrease in wound size and healing of skin lesions.
Signs of worsening of soft cancer
Signs of worsening of soft cancer are common when the treatment is not done properly and include the appearance of wounds in other places on the body such as the lips or throat.
Here are some homemade tricks that can help with treatment:
- Home remedy to boost the immune system
- Foods that boost immunity