Calmoten is a tonic for the heart that helps to control blood pressure.
This food supplement has a calming action because it contains in its composition extracts of Crataégus, a plant with calming properties that improve blood flow and help in the control of high blood pressure.
Calmoten is indicated for the treatment of high blood pressure and to improve blood circulation in adults.
The price of Calmoten ranges from 8 to 9 reais and can be purchased at natural products stores, drug stores or online pharmacies, with no prescription required
How to use
You should take 2 tablets 3 times a day, always after meals, especially if you have an ulcer in the stomach.
Side effects
Some side effects of Calmoten may include some low blood pressure symptoms such as dizziness, weakness or feeling faint.
Calmoten is contraindicated for children under 3 years of age, patients with coagulation problems or on anticoagulants, and for patients with allergies to strawberries or to any of the components of the formula.
Also, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should not take Calmoten without first talking to your doctor.