To know if it is periodontitis, it is necessary to take into account the signs and symptoms presented and to perform tests that can identify the health of the teeth and also the bone structure of the mandible.
Signs of this disease may take years to manifest and progress is slow, which may hinder adherence to treatment. But performing the treatment to control inflammation and loss of bone mass is necessary to prevent the loss of teeth, as these can not be replaced, making it difficult to feed the person.
Symptoms of Periodontitis
Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease that strikes the gums and the jaw causing tooth loss. Its symptoms are:
- Changes in the position of the teeth, becoming crooked;
- Increased tooth sensitivity when consuming hot or cold foods;
- Bad breath, is present in all people with the disease;
- There may be pus out of the gum if there is an open wound;
- Gum bleeding when brushing teeth and performing dental treatments such as cleaning, a procedure that usually does not cause bleeding;
- Gum red and swollen, when it should be in a coloration closer to the rose;
- Softening and falling of teeth in adulthood, with no apparent cause.
Periodontitis is closely tied to tartar and should be treated quickly to avoid worsening the situation.
How the Diagnosis is done
The diagnosis of periodontitis should be made by the dentist when observing the person's teeth and gums, but any doctor may suspect the condition if he or she sees the red gums, separation of teeth or complaints as soft or falling teeth.
To differentiate periodontitis from gingivitis, one should look at the structure of a person's teeth, their age, and factors such as whether they are pregnant, smoking, or having a family history of periodontitis. Most people suffer from an episode of inflammation of the gums at least once in their life, being particularly common in women during pregnancy due to hormonal changes, but not all will have periodontitis, which, although symptomatic of gingivitis, is a more serious disease that may even require a deep scaling of the gum and dental surgery.